Theta-Zeta prides itself on its attention to the National Code of Conduct. We have it in PDF form here for you to view.
Membership in Kappa Sigma is a privilege. Each member, pledge or initiate, undergraduate and alumnus, is bound by this Code of Conduct.
Each member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity is responsible for seeing that he: acts as a gentleman, setting an example of moral behavior; conducts himself as a good student, good neighbor, and good citizen; and obeys the laws, rules and regulations of his country, state or province, city and county, and college or university.
I. Hazing
Hazing is contrary to the principles and teachings of Kappa Sigma Fraternity and against the law in all jurisdictions in which Kappa Sigma has chapters.
A. Definition
1. Hazing is any action, behavior or situation created by any Kappa Sigma chapter or by any member – undergraduate, or alumnus – to produce or result in mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule as a prerequisite to or as a requirement for membership or initiation in the Fraternity, or which is otherwise prohibited by federal, state, provincial, local or host institution policies, rules, regulations, statutes or ordinances.
2. Prohibited actions, behaviors and situations constituting hazing include, without limitation, the following in any form or of any kind:
a. paddling, branding, or physical abuse in any form;
b. calisthenics or other exercises;
c. creation of fatigue including sleep deprivation;
d. physical or psychological shocks;
e. kidnapping;
f. scavenger hunts;
g. personal servitude, including required driving, errands, cleaning, event setup and takedown, or any other activity required of a pledge but not an initiated member,
h. verbal abuse;
i. required uniforms or costumes;
j. degrading, humiliating or harassing games and activities;
k. lineups;
l. “Hell Week” or any other pre-initiation or intensive or condensed programming prior to, following, or in connection with any Kappa Sigma ceremony;
m. the use of pledge requirements such as signatures or interviews as a means of harassment;
n. activities a prerequisite to or as a requirement for membership or initiation in the Fraternity which exposes any initiate(s) or pledge(s) to any type of physical danger regardless of degree;
o. activities involving the required consumption of any beverage or food;
p. chapters performing programming or activities not included in their documented Pledge Education, Membership Development or Brothers In Action Programs shall be in violation of these Standards. This includes variances from any program submitted in the Chapter’s biannual report, unless those variances are approved by the District Grand Master.
q. activities which would disrupt public order or tend to bring the Fraternity into disrepute in the local community; and,
r. other activities not consistent with Kappa Sigma Fraternity principles, or otherwise not in accordance with federal, state, provincial or local laws, ordinances or the regulations or policies of the host college or university.
II. Alcohol & Controlled Substances
Each member of the Fraternity is responsible for seeing that he abides by the letter and spirit of applicable laws governing use and possession of alcohol and controlled substances. Where local laws may permit certain conduct, but federal, provincial or state laws prohibit that conduct, the applicable federal, provincial or state law shall govern individual conduct.
In addition to abiding by applicable federal, provincial, state, and local laws governing or regulating the use, possession and distribution of alcohol and controlled substances, and complying with the rules, regulations, policies and standards set by its host institution, the following standards apply:
A. Additional Standards Pertaining to Alcohol & Controlled Substances
- Chapters shall take reasonable steps to prevent the unlawful use, possession, or consumption of alcohol or controlled substances, including underage consumption of alcohol, by any person, member or non-member, undergraduate or alumnus, at any chapter house, lodge, or similar facility or location occupied by or used for or on behalf of the chapter for any of its activities.
- No chapter of the Fraternity is authorized to apply for or hold any license for the sale, distribution, pouring or dispensing of alcoholic beverages or other controlled substances.
- No member shall use or possess any controlled substance or any paraphernalia for the consumption, delivery or administration of any controlled substance in any form at any Kappa Sigma function or at any facility occupied or used by a Kappa Sigma chapter. A member having a valid prescription is not in violation of this Standard.
- Members using recreational or medicinal marijuana in jurisdictions where such use is legal shall not be in violation of these Standards providing such use does not occur before, during, or after a chapter event, at a chapter house or anywhere that the chapter members gather.
- No chapter funds may be used to purchase alcohol directly or indirectly. “Passing the hat,” taking up a collection, charging admission or accepting donations to purchase alcohol is a violation of these Standards.
- No member may possess hard liquor, defined as distilled beverages exceeding 30% alcohol by volume, at a Social Event (as defined by the Code of Conduct), or at a chapter house or anywhere that the chapter members gather, with exception of hard liquor purchased by a member at a Social Event hosted at a third party venue (e.g. a bar, restaurant, hotel, or similar), which venue is fully licensed and insured for the distribution of hard liquor.
- No member may possess kegs or oversized containers of alcohol.
- No member shall permit or participate in binge drinking, rapid consumption of alcohol, or activities which involve duress or encouragement related to the consumption of alcohol.
- No alcohol may be present at any activity, function or event when rushees or prospective members are present. All rush and recruitment events shall be alcohol-free.
- No alcohol may be present preceding, at, or following any activity that is part of the Pledge Education Program, including initiations, bid day functions and big brother/little brother events.
- A chapter may not fundraise with, or profit from, the sale of alcohol. A Chapter or a number of its members may receive compensation for working at an event, unassociated with the Chapter, at which alcohol is present, to support Chapter operations or raise funds for a bona fide charitable organization (e.g., working concession stands at a sporting event or concert venue). A Chapter may participate in such activity only upon the prior authorization by that Chapter’s District Grand Master or the Supreme Executive Committee.
B. Additional Standards Pertaining to Social Events
- A Social Event is a party or any other gathering approved, sponsored, hosted, or arranged by a chapter or its members, in the name of the chapter, or perceived to be in the name of the chapter, where alcohol is present.
- No chapter is authorized to sell tickets, sell cups, collect cover charges, charge admission, vend alcohol from machines, or engage in any other activity that is, or creates the impression that the chapter is, selling alcohol or permitting access to alcohol in a manner inconsistent with these Standards.
- Chapters shall take reasonable steps to prevent the unlawful consumption of alcohol at Social Events.
- “Open parties” are a violation of these Standards.
- The number of guests (including dates) at any Social Event shall not exceed two guests for each member in attendance. Alumni, spouses and parents invited by the Chapter are not counted as guests for purposes of this Standard.
- A Social Event consisting of a mixer or exchange with a maximum of three additional national men’s or women’s fraternity or sorority chapter may occur without regard for the limitation of Standard II.B.5 of these Standards when attendance is limited to members and pledges of all chapters and hosted at a third party venue, licensed and insured for the distribution of alcohol.
III. Little Sisters and Auxiliary Organizations
The Kappa Sigma Fraternity does not recognize or approve the existence of “Little Sister/Starduster” or similar chapter programs or organizations, or approve chapter affiliation with like auxiliary organizations not authorized in writing by the Supreme Executive Committee.
No organization, unless authorized in writing by the Supreme Executive Committee or as otherwise permitted by the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Kappa Sigma Fraternity, shall use the words, letters, logos or symbols of Kappa Sigma, or otherwise represent affiliation with the Fraternity.
IV. Internet Use
Internet Use, through media including, among others, email, websites, and social networking or discussion groups, is a valuable tool for education and communication. All members of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity are responsible using these media in an appropriate and lawful manner.
A. Definition
Internet Use includes any communications on the internet (as generally defined and understood from time- to-time by the general public), whether through establishment or maintenance of a website, discussion board, social networking group, page, or site, or chat room or the submission of any data, whether in graphic, video, audio or written form to any site on the internet, or the linking to any site on the internet that contains such data.
B. Standards of Conduct
- No chapter or member shall host, sponsor, post, or link to any inappropriate content on the internet. This includes any explicit or implicit reference to or promotion of illegal alcohol use or alcohol abuse, the unlawful use of controlled substances, possession of drug paraphernalia, Hazing or any other illegal behavior.
- Each chapter or member shall delete inappropriate content upon demand by the Kappa Sigma Fraternity or its authorized representatives, including the chapter in which any undergraduate member is initiated or affiliated.
V. Assault and Harassment
No chapter or member shall permit or participate in any form of sexist or sexually abusive behavior, whether physical, mental or emotional. This is to include any actions, activities or events, whether on chapter premises or an off-site location, which are demeaning, including but not limited to verbal harassment and sexual assault, by individuals or members acting together.
VI. Enforcement
A. Reporting Procedure
- Any member of the Fraternity who receives information regarding a potential violation of the Code of Conduct must immediately report the alleged activity and all available information to the chapter’s Alumnus Advisor and District Grand Master or the Supreme Executive Committee or Executive Director;
- If the allegations warrant, the member disclosing the violation, Alumnus Advisor and District Grand Master (or officer of the General Fraternity designated by the Supreme Executive Committee) must ensure charges are proffered against the offending chapter and member(s) in accordance with these Standards, the Code of Conduct generally, and the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Kappa Sigma Fraternity.
- During any investigation of alleged chapter violations of the Code of Conduct, all chapter activities shall cease until the investigation is complete, the results reported to the SEC, and the Chapter authorized by the Supreme Executive Committee, or their designee, to resume such activities.
B. Violations
Any member or chapter found to have violated any standard in the Code of Conduct may be subject to penalties.
- Any chapter Executive Committee member actively or passively involved in or having knowledge of any violation of these Standards, shall be in violation of the Code of Conduct generally and shall cause the chapter to be in violation of the Code of Conduct and to be subject to the same penalties as a chapter found in violation of the Code of Conduct.
- Any member who interferes or fails to cooperate in any manner with any investigation of possible violations of the Code of Conduct or advocates or encourages the non-compliance or interference with any such investigation shall be deemed in violation of the Code of Conduct.
- Any member witnessing or having knowledge of violations or potential violations of the Code of Conduct who does not report said violations to an Alumnus Advisor or District Grand Master of the chapter or to the Supreme Executive Committee or Executive Director shall be in violation of the Code of Conduct and shall be subject to the same penalties as those members actively involved in the violation of the Code of Conduct.
- Any chapter found not upholding any individual penalty or other sanction imposed on any member or members for violation of the Code of Conduct shall be in violation of the Code of Conduct.
C. Penalties
- Chapter. Upon violation of the Code of Conduct deemed by the Supreme Executive Committee, or their designees appointed for inquiry, to be chapter-wide, sponsored or tolerated by the chapter or its membership, such chapter and its members may be subject to one or more penalties deemed appropriate by the Supreme Executive Committee, in accordance with the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Kappa Sigma Fraternity.
- Individual. Any individual member participating in any activity in violation of the Code of Conduct may be subject to immediate suspension by the Worthy Grand Procurator as authorized by the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Kappa Sigma Fraternity, and subject to charges for discipline, suspension, or expulsion in accordance with Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Kappa Sigma Fraternity.
- Other Penalties. The Kappa Sigma Fraternity may seek civil or criminal actions against members violating the Code of Conduct.