Theta-Zeta for Life: Building Better Men Together

Investing in the Future of Theta-Zeta

The Theta-Zeta Chapter of Kappa Sigma is dedicated to fostering the academic success and personal growth of our brothers. The Theta-Zeta for Life program is a cornerstone of this commitment, providing financial support to undergraduate brothers who exemplify the values of Kappa Sigma.

A Rewarding Partnership: Alumni, Parents, and Brothers

This program thrives on a collaborative spirit. Here’s how each group contributes to its success:

  • For Alumni Brothers:
    • Your generous donations directly support the financial rewards for qualified brothers.
    • Consider making a one-time or recurring contribution to solidify the program’s foundation.
    • We encourage you to “pay it forward” by joining the program after graduation (participation is voluntary).
  • For Parents:
    • Theta-Zeta for Life complements your investment in your son’s education.
    • Encourage your son to strive for academic excellence and active participation within the chapter to become eligible for this valuable scholarship.
  • For Brothers:
    • Theta-Zeta for Life rewards your dedication to academics, brotherhood, and upholding Kappa Sigma’s traditions.
    • Strive to meet the program requirements to ease the financial burden of your Kappa Sigma experience.

Program Requirements and Benefits

  • Eligibility: Brothers must maintain a 2.5 GPA, obtain at least one ritual certificate per semester (until becoming a Master of the Ritual), attend 90% of chapter meetings, and maintain full-time student status.
  • Reward: Qualifying brothers receive financial support for their Kappa Sigma experience (excluding event fees).
  • Continuous Eligibility: Each semester is a fresh start. If a brother falls out of compliance, they can regain eligibility by meeting the requirements again.

Show Your Support: Donate Today!

Help us build a stronger future for Theta-Zeta by contributing to the Theta-Zeta for Life program. Donations can be made by contacting Leroy Peer, Jason Lacy, or Sam Michnovicz; or through our online giving platform here.

A Legacy of Gratitude

We extend a heartfelt thank you to the following brothers for their generous contributions:

Justin AguilarMichael GardnerBailey Puckett
Alex AguirreWilliam GardnerTrenton Ramsey
Blake AhrensChad GebhardtPat Ratledge
Carlos AlvidrezPhillip GomezAlex Richards
Ryan AndersonAurelio GonzalesEthan Rogers
Jared BachmanCalvin GraceJackson Rogers
Jody BaileyRyan HarrisEric Sanders
JR BaileyTyler HerringPayton Santillanes
Isais BarronKevin HooverZack Santos
Mark BeaubienLowell HoweRob Scholer
John BennettAnton IliukDoug Shaw
Danny BlairJosh IngramMario Silva
Nicholas BordenChad JoyceEric Smith
Jason BothwellKevin KaplanRicky Snodgrass
Mike CarruthersJason LacyChris Snowberger
Jesus CastilloLucas LarsonNic Snowberger
Matt ChandlerJonathan LewisRobert Springer
Andres ChavezMike LingnauColton Stewart
Brian ColeJose Loya MarquezChase Sturdevant
Cash DaggettJames MaleyBenjamin Swari
Riley DaggettBoyd MaloMason Thomas
Dominic DeeleyJames MarleySteven Thompson
Kevin DeeleyBranden MarshallAlex Torres
Scott DeLilloBrad McConkeyMark Torres
O.J. EllsworthSam MichnoviczBrett Trembly
Adam FajardoEdgar MunozBurt Trembly
Chase FleetwoodPorter NewellBrent Trujillo
Bryan FrappJaime OchoaMark Van Nieuwkoop
Brian FreidlineJoseph O’NeillHenry Varela
Sean GabaldonJorge OrtizRob Wachter
Daric GarbuttLeroy PeerKenan White
Eduardo GarciaZac PerisDavid Wilson
Eric GarciaCedric PittmanMark Zuniga

Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of our brothers! Share today with!

Not for a day, or an hour, or a college term only, but for life. ΑΕΚΔΒ